- example1
% phpsa -ispec example1.ispec -simplify example1.php
({$316$,$320$,$325$,$334$}, // set of nonterminals
{$316$ -> $320$1|$334$,$320$ -> $325$|0$316$1,$325$ -> 0abc|0xyz, // productions
$334$ -> abc|xyz},
$316$) // start nonterminal
- example2
We can check the context-free grammar obtained by the analyzer against
a regular expression. There are two modes of checking.
The first mode is to check whether or not L(Prog) is disjoint with L(Spec).
% phpsa -ispec example2.ispec -spec example2.spec example2.php
In this case, the output is not disjoint with L(Spec). Then, the following
counter example is shown by the analyzer.
- example3
This example is about the second mode of checking. It checks whether or not L(Prog) <= L(Spec). For this mode, we supply the option '-inclusion'.
% phpsa -ispec example3.ispec -inclusion -spec example3.spec example3e.php
L(Prog) is a subset of L(Spec).
- validation1 : XHTML validation
% phpsa -ispec validation1.ispec -validate validation1.php
'xhtml1-transitional.dtd' is used for validation by default.
You can specify an alternate DTD file by -dtdfile option.
- validation2 : XHTML validation
% phpsa -ispec validation2.ispec -validate validation2.php
The generated document is invalid because the <p> element cannot occur directly under the <ul> element.
Invalid for <ul>
<p> // This says <p> occurs under <ul>
Counter example:
- htmlvalidation1 : HTML validation
% phpsa -htmlvalidate htmlvalidation1.php
- In this example generates a HTML page where </pgt; is omitted.
- The validation is based on the HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD.
- htmlvalidation2 : HTML validation
% phpsa -htmlvalidate htmlvalidation1.php
In this example generates a HTML page where a table where many optional tags are used.
- smplbbs : more realistic XHTML validation, SQL query string validation
% phpsa -ispec smplbbs.ispec -validate smplbbs.php
smplbbs is a simple Web-based bulletin board program where
a string [b]...[/b] in a comment field is translated into <b>...</b>.
- A newline in a comment is translated into a combination of
the newline.
- the file 'samplbbs.html' is an output obtained by running smplbbs.php.
% phpsa -ispec smplbbs.ispec -mysql -spec smplbbs_sql.spec smplbbs.php
With -mysql option, query strings in mysql_query is analyzed instead
of the output of a program.